RootMotion | |
Demos | |
FinalIK | |
BipedIK | IK system for standard biped characters that is designed to replicate and enhance the behaviour of the Unity's built-in character IK setup. |
BipedIKSolvers | BipedIK solver collection. |
Constraint | The base abstract class for all Transform constraints. |
ConstraintPosition | Constraints to position in world space. |
ConstraintPositionOffset | Offsets the transform from its (animated) position. |
ConstraintRotation | Constraints to rotation in world space |
ConstraintRotationOffset | Offsets the transform from its (animated) rotation |
Constraints | Contains and manages a set of constraints. |
Finger | Contains a LimbIK solver and some additional logic to handle the finger. |
FingerRig | Handles IK for a number of Fingers with 3-4 joints. |
Grounder | Dedicated abstrac base component for the Grounding solver. |
GrounderBipedIK | Grounding for BipedIK characters. |
GrounderFBBIK | Grounding for FBBIK characters. |
SpineEffector | Contains the bending weights for an effector. |
GrounderIK | Grounding for LimbIK, CCD and/or FABRIK solvers. |
GrounderQuadruped | Grounding for LimbIK, CCD and/or FABRIK solvers. |
Grounding | Foot placement system. |
Leg | The Grounding Leg. |
Pelvis | The Grounding Pelvis. |
AimIK | Aim IK solver component. |
ArmIK | Arm IK solver component. |
CCDIK | CCD (Cyclic Coordinate Descent) IK solver component. |
FABRIK | Forward and Backward Reaching IK solver component. |
FABRIKRoot | IK system for multiple branched FABRIK chains. |
FullBodyBipedIK | Full Body IK System designed specifically for bipeds |
IK | Base abstract class for IK solver components. |
IKExecutionOrder | Manages the execution order of IK components. |
LegIK | Leg IK solver component. |
LimbIK | IK component for IKSolverLimb. |
LookAtIK | Rotates a hierarchy of bones to face a target |
TrigonometricIK | Analytic IK algorithm based on the law of cosines |
VRIK | A full-body IK solver designed specifically for a VR HMD and hand controllers. |
References | VRIK-specific definition of a humanoid biped. |
FABRIKChain | Branch of FABRIK components in the FABRIKRoot hierarchy. |
FBBIKArmBending | Calculates bending direction and hand rotations for a FBBIK rig for VR hand controllers. |
FBBIKHeadEffector | Head effector for FBBIK. |
FBIKChain | A chain of bones in IKSolverFullBody. |
ChildConstraint | Linear constraint between child chains of a FBIKChain. |
IKConstraintBend | Constraint used for fixing bend direction of 3-segment node chains in a node based IK solver. |
IKEffector | Effector for manipulating node based IK solvers. |
IKMapping | Maps a bone or a collection of bones to a node based IK solver |
BoneMap | Contains mapping information of a single bone |
IKMappingBone | Maps a single bone to a node in IK Solver |
IKMappingLimb | Maps a 3-segmented bone hierarchy to a node chain of an IK Solver |
IKMappingSpine | Mapping a bone hierarchy to 2 triangles defined by the hip and chest planes. |
IKSolver | The base abstract class for all IK solvers |
Bone | Bone type of element in the IK chain. Used in the case of skeletal Transform hierarchies. |
Node | Node type of element in the IK chain. Used in the case of mixed/non-hierarchical IK systems |
Point | The most basic element type in the IK chain that all other types extend from. |
IKSolverAim | Rotates a hierarchy of bones to make a Transform aim at a target. If there are problems with continuity and the solver get's jumpy, make sure to keep IKPosition at a safe distance from the transform and try decreasing solver and bone weights. |
IKSolverArm | A wrapper for making IKSolverVRArm work with other IK components. |
IKSolverCCD | CCD (Cyclic Coordinate Descent) constrainable heuristic inverse kinematics algorithm. |
IKSolverFABRIK | Forward and Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics solver |
IKSolverFABRIKRoot | IK system for multiple branched FABRIK chains. |
IKSolverFullBody | Generic FBIK solver. In each solver update, IKSolverFullBody first reads the character's pose, then solves the IK and writes the solved pose back to the character via IKMapping. |
IKSolverFullBodyBiped | FBIK solver specialized to biped characters. |
IKSolverHeuristic | Contains methods common for all heuristic solvers. |
IKSolverLeg | A wrapper for making IKSolverVRLeg work with other IK components and the Grounder. |
IKSolverLimb | Extends IKSolverTrigonometric to add automatic bend and rotation modes. |
IKSolverLookAt | Rotates a hierarchy of bones to face a target. |
LookAtBone | Look At bone class. |
IKSolverTrigonometric | Analytic IK solver based on the Law of Cosines. |
TrigonometricBone | Bone type used by IKSolverTrigonometric. |
IKSolverVR | Hybrid IK solver designed for mapping a character to a VR headset and 2 hand controllers |
Arm | 4-segmented analytic arm chain. |
BodyPart | A base class for all IKSolverVR body parts. |
Leg | 4-segmented analytic leg chain. |
Spine | Spine solver for IKSolverVR. |
TwistRelaxer | Relaxes the twist rotation if the TwistSolver transforms relative to their parent and a child Transforms, using their initial rotations as the most relaxed pose. |
TwistSolver | Relaxes the twist rotation if the Transform relative to its parent and a child Transforms, using the Transform's initial rotation as the most relaxed pose. |
InteractionEffector | Managing Interactions for a single FBBIK effector. |
InteractionLookAt | Controls LookAtIK for the InteractionSystem |
InteractionObject | Object than the InteractionSystem can interact with. |
AnimatorEvent | Calls an animation on an interaction event. |
InteractionEvent | Predefined interaction events for pausing, picking up, triggering animations and sending messages. |
Message | Definition of a message sent by an InteractionEvent. |
Multiplier | Multiplies a weight curve and uses the result for another FBBIK channel. (to reduce the amount of work with AnimationCurves) |
WeightCurve | A Weight curve for various FBBIK channels. |
InteractionSystem | Handles FBBIK interactions for a character. |
InteractionTarget | The target of an effector in the InteractionSystem. |
Multiplier | Multiplies the value of a weight curve for this effector target. |
InteractionTrigger | When a character with an InteractionSystem component enters the trigger collider of this game object, this component will register itself to the InteractionSystem. The InteractionSystem can then use it to find the most appropriate InteractionObject and effectors to interact with. Use InteractionSystem.GetClosestTriggerIndex() and InteractionSystem.TriggerInteration() to trigger the interactions that the character is in contact with. |
CameraPosition | Defines the valid range of the camera's position relative to this trigger. |
CharacterPosition | Defines the valid range of the character's position and rotation relative to this trigger. |
Range | Defines the valid range of the character's and/or its camera's position for one or multiple interactions. |
Interaction | Defines the interaction object and effectors that will be triggered when calling InteractionSystem.TriggerInteraction(). |
GenericPoser | Posing the children of a Transform to match the children of another Transform |
Map | Mapping a bone to its target |
HandPoser | Posing the children of a Transform to match the children of another Transform |
Poser | The base abstract class for all class that are translating a hierarchy of bones to match the translation of bones in another hierarchy. |
RagdollUtility | Ragdoll Utility controls switching characters in and out of ragdoll mode. It also enables you to use IK effects on top of ragdoll simulation. |
RotationLimit | The base abstract class for all Rotation limits. Contains common functionality and static helper methods |
RotationLimitAngle | Simple angular rotation limit. |
RotationLimitHinge | The hinge rotation limit limits the rotation to 1 degree of freedom around Axis. This rotation limit is additive which means the limits can exceed 360 degrees. |
RotationLimitPolygonal | Using a spherical polygon to limit the range of rotation on universal and ball-and-socket joints. A reach cone is specified as a spherical polygon on the surface of a a reach sphere that defines all positions the longitudinal segment axis beyond the joint can take |
RotationLimitSpline | Using a spline to limit the range of rotation on universal and ball-and-socket joints. Reachable area is defined by an AnimationCurve orthogonally mapped onto a sphere. |
AimController | Handles smooth aim target switching, weight blending, target interpolation and root rotation. |
AimPoser | Aim Poser returns a reference by direction. |
Pose | the pose definition |
Amplifier | Demo script that amplifies the motion of a body part relative to the root of the character or another body part. |
Body | Body is amplifying the motion of "transform" relative to the "relativeTo". |
EffectorLink | Linking this to an effector |
BodyTilt | Procedural body tilting with FBBIK. |
CCDBendGoal | Bend goal object for CCDIK. Add this to a GameObject you wish CCD to bend towards. |
EditorIK | Updates any Final IK component in Editor mode |
HitReaction | Class for creating procedural FBBIK hit reactions. |
HitPoint | Hit point definition |
HitPointBone | Hit Point for simple bone Transforms that don't have a FBBIK effector |
BoneLink | Linking a bone Transform to this bone hit point |
HitPointEffector | Hit Point for FBBIK effectors |
EffectorLink | Linking a FBBIK effector to this effector hit point |
HitReactionVRIK | Class for creating procedural FBBIK hit reactions. |
Offset | Hit point definition |
PositionOffset | Hit Point for FBBIK effectors |
PositionOffsetLink | Linking a FBBIK effector to this effector hit point |
RotationOffset | Hit Point for simple bone Transforms that don't have a FBBIK effector |
RotationOffsetLink | Linking a bone Transform to this bone hit point |
Inertia | Demo script that adds the illusion of mass to your character using FullBodyBipedIK. |
Body | Body is just following its transform in a lazy and bouncy way. |
EffectorLink | Linking this to an effector |
OffsetModifier | Base class for all FBBIK effector positionOffset modifiers. Works with animatePhysics, safe delegates, offset limits. |
OffsetLimits | Limiting effector position offsets |
OffsetModifierVRIK | Base class for all FBBIK effector positionOffset modifiers. Works with animatePhysics, safe delegates, offset limits. |
OffsetPose | Definition of FBBIK Offset pose. |
EffectorLink | State of an effector in this pose |
PenetrationAvoidance | Prevents body parts from penetrating scene geometry by offsetting effectors away from the colliders. |
Avoider | Definition of avoidance and raycasting info. |
EffectorLink | Linking this to an effector |
Recoil | Procedural recoil using FBBIK. |
ShoulderRotator | Shoulder rotator is a workaround for FBBIK not rotating the shoulder bones when pulled by hands. It get's the job done if you need it, but will take 2 solving iterations. |
VRIKLODController | Simple VRIK LOD level controller based on renderer.isVisible and camera distance. |
Baker | Base class for animation bakers, handles timing, keyframing and saving AnimationClips. |
GenericBaker | Baker for Generic/Legacy animation. |
HumanoidBaker | Baker for Humanoid animation. |
AxisTools | Contains tools for working with Axes that have no positive/negative directions. |
BipedLimbOrientations | Contains the information about which way the limbs should be bent. |
BipedReferences | Contains references to bones common to all biped characters. |
AutoDetectParams | Params for automatic biped recognition. (Using a struct here because I might need to add more parameters in the future). |
Comments | Adding comments to GameObjects in the Inspector. |
Hierarchy | Contains tools for working on Transform hierarchies. |
InspectorComment | Comment attribute for Editor. |
Interp | Class for various interpolation methods. |
LazySingleton< T > | Auto-instantiated singleton base class. |
ShowLargeHeaderIf | Large header attribute for Editor. |
LargeHeader | Large header attribute for Editor. |
Singleton< T > | The base abstract Singleton class. |
SolverManager | Manages solver initiation and updating |
TriggerEventBroadcaster | Forwards collider OnTrigger.. events. |